The Rowanwood Blog delves into a variety of topics related to spirituality and personal growth, offering unique viewpoints and insights from a metaphysical perspective. By exploring these subjects, we aim to foster unity through understanding, encouraging readers to reflect on their own beliefs and experiences. Each article serves as a resource, providing valuable information that inspires personal exploration and growth, while promoting a deeper connection to the self and the universe. Through thoughtful discussion and shared knowledge, we create a community committed to enlightenment and transformation.
Metaphysical Spirituality is not just a religion, but it is a way of life. To its followers, it provides a pattern for living and the key to the mysteries of both sides of life. Metaphysical Spirituality emphasizes the spiritual principle of personal responsibility in that we are all responsible for the conditions of our lives. We are co-creators with the Divine Power not puppets on a string waiting for outside influences to move us in one direction or another. Realizing this as a truth brings great liberation from the fears of the unknown and an awareness that our lives are the result of our thoughts and actions.