"Spiritual" religion promotes the higher attributes of human nature, like altruism and compassion, and fosters a sense of the sacred and sublime. "Spiritually religious" people don’t feel any animosity towards other religious groups; in fact, they’re happy to investigate other beliefs, and may even go to other groups’ temples and services. They usually aren’t evangelical; their attitude is that different religions are suited to different people, and that all religions are different manifestations or expressions of the same essential truths.
Metaphysical Spirituality is not just a religion, but it is a way of life. To its followers, it provides a pattern for living and the key to the mysteries of both sides of life. Metaphysical Spirituality emphasizes the spiritual principle of personal responsibility in that we are all responsible for the conditions of our lives. We are co-creators with the Divine Power not puppets on a string waiting for outside influences to move us in one direction or another. Realizing this as a truth brings great liberation from the fears of the unknown and an awareness that our lives are the result of our thoughts and actions.
There is a blessing penned by Gayan Sylvie Winder and Jo Dose:
All inner knowledge falls into human oblivion if you don't care for your own sacred inner flame. So surrender to your own inner divine fire of wisdom with confidence. The flame you realize through your existence and your earthly body lives for all eternity. It is guarding and protecting and guiding you. It is real as soon as you accept it as your own. It helps you to understand yourself and conceive yourself as part of the great miracle. Your life will unfold to its true beauty and show you the way out of fear and darkness.
This blessing resonates with many on a spiritual path, but it should never be forced on another. The avoidance of creating dogmatic paths should consistently be the highest priority in sprituality.