The Rowanwood Blog delves into a variety of topics related to spirituality and personal growth, offering unique viewpoints and insights from a metaphysical perspective. By exploring these subjects, we aim to foster unity through understanding, encouraging readers to reflect on their own beliefs and experiences. Each article serves as a resource, providing valuable information that inspires personal exploration and growth, while promoting a deeper connection to the self and the universe. Through thoughtful discussion and shared knowledge, we create a community committed to enlightenment and transformation.
THE ROWAN-Celtic Tree of Life
The Rowan Tree encourages us to keep moving in the direction of our soul’s calling. This calling will eventually lead us back to ourselves as one. This calling begins as we subconsciously separate our self from our soul at an early age in order to create our own unique identity. Along the way we eventually long to feel whole and begin searching for our other half. This reunion of the self and soul becomes a conscious journey that requires us to make peace with our shadows as sources of wisdom, compassion and strength.